National & International Dance Show Performances & Engagements
Artist: Yussara Cunha
Creator / Choreographer / Dancer / Show Costume Designer / Dance Teacher / Model /
Artist direct contact and postal address:
Yussara Cunha
Yussara® Dance Company
Hermann Steinhäuserstr. 18
63065 Offenbach am Main
Deutschland / Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 69 - 82 57 37
Handy: +49 (0) 171 - 70 60 647
E-Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
USt.-ID-Nr.: DE 163046382
At "Who's Who" at the Federal Republic of Germany
recorded in the encyclopedia of art and culture leading women in Germany.
Contents of the online offer
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Yussara Cunha is in no way liable for the direct or indirect references to other Internet pages through so called Links that are outside of our area of responsibility. The only exception would be if Yussara Cunha has specific knowledge of misuse and has the technical capability to prevent illegal content.
Yussara explains clearly that at the time the links where set up, all the information on the link pages was free of any illegal content. We have absolutely no influence on the organisation of the actual or future contents on these link pages. Therefore we clearly distance ourselves from all the content on the link pages that where changed after we placed the links. This statement also applies to all the links and references within our Internet offer. For illegal, missing or incomplete contents and especially for damages from the use of information, liability lies by the provider of the link page and not the persons who provided the reference.
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